Food For Thought: Third transnational meeting in London, UK.

The projects third transnational meeting was held in London, UK on 14th – 15th May 2019.

The meeting consisted of reviewing the work that has been completed over the past months in creating learning materials and trainer manual for the projects sustainability course.

Partners each presented their unit learning material they were responsible in creating so that everyone was familiar with the resources ahead of the planned pilot of the course later in the year.

Later in the day South West College as the lead partner in the final year of the project presented the newly created Food For Thought ‘Online Toolkit’ that will host the course material and will be open and accessible to any education or training provider across Europe. The Toolkit and course material will be piloted over a 2-month period to partner’s students beginning in October 2019. Before then our partners in Alexandra Drumas, France and IDAN, Iceland will translate all course documents into their national languages.

Thanks to The Workforce Development Trust (People 1st International) for hosting our third project meeting. The next scheduled face-to-face meeting is planned for Strasbourg, France in December 2019.